Magnesium is an essential mineral that contributes to normal protein synthesis, normal muscle function and a good electrolyte balance. In addition, magnesium contributes to the reduction of fatigue.
Caffeine is a stimulant. Caffeine quickly enters the blood. Half is already in your blood 3 to 4 minutes after eating or drinking. You will experience the effects between ½ hour and 2½ hours after drinking coffee. Amounts of caffeine comparable to 1 to 2 cups of coffee (160 mg) have a stimulating effect on concentration and performance in adults: it gives a feeling of increased energy and dispels a feeling of tiredness. Caffeine also slightly improves memory, alertness and motivation. Larger amounts do not give an extra effect. For athletes, caffeine can help with longer periods of exercise.
Drinks with caffeine simply supply moisture to the body. It is often thought that drinks with caffeine have a diuretic effect. That is not true. The body does not lose more fluid by drinking coffee, for example. Caffeine only ensures that the fluid leaves the body faster , because it stimulates the kidneys.